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Derek Davis

Migration to React Series
Rendering React in AngularJS

Using react2angular to convert your first AngularJS component to React

The Shard in London rising above the skyline
Photo by Fred Moon

When migrating an AngularJS app to React we need a way to use React components in an AngularJS template. That’s where react2angular comes in. While the name sounds like the opposite of what we’re trying to accomplish, its purpose is to help bring React into an Angular app.

Here’s an example of what defining a component is like.

import { react2angular } from 'react2angular';

function TextComponent({ text }) {
  return <div>{text}</div>;

  .component('reactText', react2angular(TextComponent, ['text']]));

And when we use it in a template, it looks just like an AngularJS component.

<react-text text="'hello world'"></react-text>

One particularly helpful thing to do here is with the naming. By prefixing your react2angular components with “react”, it helps developers to know what components have been converted when looking at the Angular templates.

In Summary

  • Rendering React in AngularJS is straight forward with react2angular
  • Prefix react2angular component names with "react" to help your team easily tell what has been converted

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Calling AngularJS Services from React
How to let AngularJS own the global services in a hybrid AngularJS React app
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